Tuesday, 1 March 2005
08:47 AM
Some musings from sarcasmo on the experience of shopping for used books. After describing the meandering way in which she browses, she makes this observation:What I realized after this particular trip is that I approach my life in much the same way I approach shopping at a used bookstore. I have intentions for following a path, having a life's plan, and working towards specific goals. I have, after all, been made to understand that that is where success lies, and adulthood, and the actualization of dreams.
But then, when I get down to it, when I am really faced with all the things there are to do and experience, I get lifestyle ADD - there's too much and I want to do everything all at once. I want to learn about everything, and try everything, and pounce on new discoveries and go back and revisit old joys; and lifepath be damned I'm off the highway and down the byroads and overall lost and intoxicated by the scenery.
I have come to terms with the fact that this means I will likely not come by career success in the fiscal traditional sense. I shall have to suffer through my years without the benefit of a corner office, an impressive title, or even a my own reality tv series.
Via that link monster